Combine subtle sales messages with interior décor solutions by ordering digital office prints in Lake County IL. The experts at Apex Signs & Graphics, Inc. routinely work with members of the business communities in and around Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, and Highland Park to create memorable presentations that hit all the right notes. When you consider that plenty of tourists flock to Lake County to visit state parks, lakes, and forest preserves, it makes sense that impressing consumers must go beyond the local demographic you currently do business with. What are your options?
Canvas Prints Beautify, Brand, and Advertise
A triple image canvas print collection may look like a study in modern art, but the brand-conscious business owner knows that the choice of corporate colors for the tones used in the images is a direct reflection of the company’s ad campaigns. Of course, not every print has to be this subtle. There are plenty of times when a marketing message combines with the medium to create attractive wall displays that catch the eye and capture the imagination.
High-resolution Prints Catch the Eye
Cardstock and PVC are excellent substrates to use when printing high-resolution images. Our clients frequently favor this approach when presenting visitors with photos of ongoing expansion projects and new product design specs. But did you know that we can also imprint aluminum for a unique look that adds a metallic surface to your walls? Unusual and fascinating to behold, it is easy to have customers step a little closer to get a good look at the product. Another excellent substrate to consider is acrylic. It is chic and modern, which appeals to a Millennial demographic. At the same time, it wipes off easily, which makes it suitable for presentation in high-traffic areas.
Mounting Options and Finishes
Frequently, our clients ask us to mount their digital prints directly to the wall. Doing so gives the illusion of having the images become part of the larger wall surface. That said, there are times when a set of standoffs adds an attractive touch to your displays. Available in a broad range of sizes, shapes, and colors, these products mount to the wall and hold the graphics in place. The most commonly selected models are the round, brushed aluminum, half-inch pieces. Unless you intend to put the prints in areas with very little illumination, we usually recommend a matte finish. This alternative ensures that the graphics look great from every angle even with direct lighting aimed at them.
Buying Digital Office Prints in Lake County IL
When you are ready to leave behind the world of generic big-box office supply store prints for fully customized products, we can help. Contact our graphic artists to set up a time when we can talk about the choice of images, the message you want to convey, and the selection of substrate. At that point, our experts welcome the opportunity to look at any graphics you already have on file that you wish to incorporate. Of course, we are always happy to design something entirely new from scratch. Contact us today to schedule your design consultation.